Every paper should be ordered by Title, Author/co-author name, Institute/ Dept
of affiliation, e-mail address, abstract, key words, Introduction, text body of
paper and in last references.
A) Title: It should be short, precise and accurate, type in Microsoft word
, centered ,Times New Roman, bold, 14 point font size, space 4 above and 4 below,.
B) Subtitles (sub-headings) : use Times New Roman, 12 pt., bold, left justified.
C) Name of the Author(s): Times New Roman, 12 pt., bold, centered, below
the title
D) Author(s) affiliation, e-mail address: Times New Roman, 10 pt.
E) Abstract: Times New Roman, 10 pt., italic, not exceeds than150-180 words.
The Abstract should be informative and completely self-explanatory, which should
briefly present the topic, state the scope of the experiments, indicate significant
data, and point out major findings and conclusions. Complete sentences, active verbs,
and the third person should be used, and the abstract should be written in the past
Abstracts of no more than 12 lines summarizing the primary argument(s) and finding(s)
in the article should be included at the beginning of the article.
F) Keywords: Times New Roman 12 pt., maximum 5 keywords.
G) Introduction: It should be not a long review of the subject area and details
of history. It should pertain to specific area.
H) Research Method: It should be covers Population, Sample, Tools for data
collection, Statistical techniques.
I) Main text: font use Times New Roman, 12 pt., justified. Articles should
be single spaced and have 2.54 cm (1 inch) margins. Article should be free from
grammatical mistakes. Articles should be between 1,500 - 3,000 words in length.
The pages of the type script should be numbered in consecutive sequence, with Justify
Tables & Figures
Number tables / figures are consecutively as they appear in the text. Center tables
/ figures close in the text where they are first mentioned. Do not split tables
/ figures across two pages. If there is not enough space at the bottom of a page,
continue your text and place the table at the top of the next page. Each table /
figure must have a Title beginning with the table number and describing the contents.
The Title needs to inform the reader what the table / figure presents [coefficients,
means, percentages, rates, etc.], the time frame, and the geographical coverage.
Each row and column of a table must have a heading. If the contents of a table /
figure are drawn or adapted from a published source, note that as footnote to the
J) Results: It should relevant facts only, data, may be given preferable
in the form of tables or occasionally in figure/text but do not repeat same data
in more than one form.
K) Discussion: This is important aspect of the paper, should be drafted carefully.
Stating what answers we got, then in individuals paragraphs discussing these in
light relevant past work and finally, try to answer, what does it means in the conducting
part. In some situation section of Results may be combined with Discussion so as
to avoid repetition.
L) Acknowledgement: It should be short not exceeds than 150 words, which
should include essential facts given at the end of the paper but not necessary.
Editorial Board of IMEJ has all rights of publication of papers.
Originality of manuscript, project report, and research article is responsibility of author and co- authors. Editorial board or IMEJ is not responsible for matter, researches, ideas, views, and innovations whatever expressed in the paper and published in Journal.
Article may be submitted within the range of 2500-3000 words in any (English, Hindi, Marathi) language.
Clear indentation should be used for every paragraph and foreign words, phrases, quotations should be italic order.
All disputes are subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of competent courts and forum in Pune (Maharashtra) India.
References should be arranged in alphabetical order according to APA style manual and placed at the end of the text in the following format.
Book with one Author : Bhattacharya, S.K., (2006). Educational technology. New Delhi: Abhishek Publication.
Book with Two Authors: Sharma, Ramnath. & Chandra, S. S. (2003). Advanced Educational Technology. New Delhi: Atlantic Publishers & Distributors.
Book with More than Two Authors: Robert, H, et.al, (1986). Instruction Media and New Technologies of Instructions Computer. New York NY: Macmillan Publishing Company.
A Commission Report: National Knowledge Commission, Report to the Nation, 2006. (2007). New Delhi: Govt. Of India
Edited Book: Dash, B. N. (Eds.). (2007). Encyclopedia of Education: Vol. II. Trends & Issues in Education. New Delhi: Dominant Publisher and Distributors.
Journal Article: Mulani, B. G., & Savadatti, M. I. (Sept-Oct.2005). Science and
Technology a needed partnership for Progress. University News. 117-119.
Web references:
Portia Diaz-Martin. (2001). Computer Assisted Instruction / Programmed
Instruction Retrieved from http;//informatics.buffalo.edu/faculty/ellison/Syllabi/519Complete/formats/programmedin
Each report, manuscript, project report, research article, conceptual paper, should be send to imej2011@gmail.com
Send your conference proceedings,
project manuscripts,
unpublished Ph. D. thesis,
M. Phil. dissertations
for publication with ISBN, ISSN.
For further detail contact
Prof. Shinde K. D.
Mobile No. 9850169986
email : imej2011@gmail.com