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International Multidisciplinary e - Journal
Scholarly International Multidisciplinary print Journal

Online ISSN : 2277 - 4262
Print   ISSN : 2395 - 0609
Monthly Peer Reviewed Refereed Journal

Scientific Journal Impact Factor : 8.244
ISRA Journal Impact Factor: 4.011
Global Impact Factor =0.415
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Volume 1 - year 2012

Volume 2 - year 2013

Volume 3 - year 2014

Volume 4 - year 2015

Volume 5 - year 2016

Volume 6 - year 2017

Volume 7 - year 2018

Volume 8 - year 2019

Volume 9 - year 2020

Volume 10 - year 2021

Volume 11 - year 2022

Volume 12 - year 2023

Volume 13 - year 2024

Volume 14 - year 2025

Special Issues  
Special Issue - Feb - 2014
Special Issue - April-2015
Special Issue - April 2015 (Cover Page)
Special Issue - Aug-2015
Special Issue - Conference: BITM-DMS. Aug,2015 (Cover Page)
SP Pune University
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Sr. NoPDFArticle/Author 

Media Skill Development. - Dr. Lalieetaa Bbhagat (Sathe)
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Shivaji Vidhyapit Sallagint Ratra Mahavidhyalatil Granthalay Vachakancha Aadhyas. - Prof. R. K. Rathod.
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Integrated Artificial Intelligence In Classroom Instruction: A Digital Transformation Perspective For Educators. - Mrs. Satwant Kaur., Prof. (Dr.) Inderpreet Kaur.
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How successful is Comupter Aided Learning. - Sandeep Rajoria.
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Trend Analysis of rainfall using gridded data over Pune, Satara, Sangli and Kolhapur districts of Maharashtra. - Kshitij Somnath Bairagi.
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Glimpses of Holistic Education Approach. - Dr. Bhavana Mangesh Kadam.
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STUDY OF VALUES IN RELATION TO MENTAL HEALTH OF B.ED. INTERNS FROM FACE TO FACE MODE.- Prof (Dr) Deepa Sikand Kauts., Dr. Maninder Pal Singh., Ms. Amandeep Kaur.
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For further detail contact
Prof. Shinde K. D.
Mobile No. 9850169986

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